Financial and administrative services (FAS) at UCSF
One Good Thing - yellow sunray background
Ianthe Pretorius (she/her)  ‌Director of People and Culture  Business Process Transformation

December 4, 2024

Adventures in Ridesharing: Natasha, Maria and Stacy

“The commute” is a popular topic among those traveling to UCSF. When it comes to ridesharing, UCSF Transportation and Enterprise’s Commute host regular Vanpool Mixers to help attendees meet other vanpoolers, learn about the program, and start new vanpools. Three colleagues who attended the October mixer shared their stories about ridesharing at UCSF with us. 

Group talking around a table at the Vanpool Mixer

October's Vanpool Mixer hosted by UCSF Transportation and Enterprise's Commute

"My job is to help understand our parking issues and strains on parking, and how we can address those through our other transportation options in the UCSF community."


Natasha Timmons (she/her)

Transportation Specialist, Campus Life Services, Transportation 


‌Natasha's Story  


‌I'm a Transportation Specialist on the Strategic Planning Team that supports CLS’s Transportation department. My job is to help understand our parking issues and strains on parking, both present and future, and how we can address those through alternative transportation options such as biking, public transit, and vanpooling. (See Share a Ride page.)

‌Sharing a ride to campus by carpooling or vanpooling, enables people to reduce their environmental impact, connect with colleagues, and save money. Carpooling is cost-effective because it allows commuters to split the cost of tolls and parking. Vanpoolers get additional benefits like subsidies and free parking at UCSF. We encourage people to think about these options and try to make them part of their commute if they can. ‌

Vanpoolers (left to right): Fitore, Christine, Maria, Brianna, Karin

Vanpoolers (left to right): Fitore, Christine, Maria, Brianna, Karin

"It's nice to commute with a group. It’s a shared experience. You have moral support when you’re going through horrible traffic or if it’s pouring down rain.


Maria Hetherton (she/her)

Neonatal Dietitian, Clinical Nutrition Supervisor, Neonatal Dietitian UCSF Health‌


‌Maria's Story  


‌I’ve been vanpooling since I moved to the East Bay in 1996, and I enjoy commuting with a group. It’s a shared experience that provides moral support, whether you're dealing with heavy traffic or a torrential downpour. Plus, you get helpful tips from others, whether it’s about new restaurants, shopping, or local events—one of our vanpoolers introduced me to my current neighborhood! 

‌Our van has six regular riders and two per diem riders. The flexibility of having per diem riders is great, as it allows people to pay as they ride, which lowers costs for everyone and fills open seats. We park for free in a designated spot at Mission Bay and save time and money at the Bay Bridge toll lanes by benefiting from the carpool lane. One key thing to keep in mind with a vanpool is the need for a set schedule. We leave and return at the same time each day, which is helpful for planning. It’s also important to have a backup plan if you do need to stay late. Our vanpool meets about a quarter mile from the BART station, so if I miss it, I can easily catch BART home.

Ianthe Pretorius (she/her)  ‌Director of People and Culture  Business Process Transformation

Stacy recommends curious employees visit the mycommute website

"It’s exhausting getting to and from work every day. That’s the major challenge of my job, so I’d love to meet like-minded people with the right puzzle pieces fitting together for our schedules and meetup location.” 


Stacy Kinkade-Erikson (she/her)

UCSF Birth Center 


‌Stacy's Story  


‌I’m currently trying to establish a carpool from North Berkeley to Mission Bay. It’s exhausting getting to and from work every day. That’s the major challenge of my job, so I’d love to meet like-minded people with the puzzle pieces fitting together for schedules and meetup location. I’d like to start easy with a small commitment-- just a few people since we don’t have the 7-8 people needed for a vanpool. We’re looking for someone who works 8am to 4:30pm weekdays and commutes from North Berkeley or Berkeley to Mission Bay. 

‌By carpooling, I can ideally cut my commute time down from up to an hour and a half to 45 minutes and potentially cut my costs in half. With Enterprise vanpool, the convenient free parking is a major perk plus many subsidies by the counties and UCSF. I urge employees to go to I do want to shout out to the shuttle system: It’s a relief knowing exactly when it leaves and how long it takes--It’s a great system that’s really working!



Natasha: Ben and Jerry's Half Baked ice cream

‌Maria: Snickerdoodle cookies

‌Stacy: Reese's Peanut Butter Cups‌

What Shapes Who We Are

About One Good Thing


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