Maria's Story
I’ve been vanpooling since I moved to the East Bay in 1996, and I enjoy commuting with a group. It’s a shared experience that provides moral support, whether you're dealing with heavy traffic or a torrential downpour. Plus, you get helpful tips from others, whether it’s about new restaurants, shopping, or local events—one of our vanpoolers introduced me to my current neighborhood!
Our van has six regular riders and two per diem riders. The flexibility of having per diem riders is great, as it allows people to pay as they ride, which lowers costs for everyone and fills open seats. We park for free in a designated spot at Mission Bay and save time and money at the Bay Bridge toll lanes by benefiting from the carpool lane. One key thing to keep in mind with a vanpool is the need for a set schedule. We leave and return at the same time each day, which is helpful for planning. It’s also important to have a backup plan if you do need to stay late. Our vanpool meets about a quarter mile from the BART station, so if I miss it, I can easily catch BART home.