Financial and administrative services (FAS) at UCSF
One Good Thing - yellow sunray background
“Policy Queens” Left to right: Shauna Strong, Leslie Kleinberg, Judy Fuller, Angie Marinello, Brenda Gee, Cristina Morrison

"Policy Queens” Left to right: Shauna Strong, Leslie Kleinberg, Judy Fuller, Angie Marinello, Brenda Gee and Cristina Morrison

"Always believe in yourself.” 


‌Shauna Muy Strong (she/her)

Director of Policy and Administrative Services 

Senior Vice Chancellor Office, Financial and Administrative Services 

June 26, 2024

Shauna's Secrets 


Shauna (Muy) Strong retires this week after a 25+ year career at UCSF. Shauna worked for Campus Life Services for 23 years, first as the General Merchandise Manager in the campus-run University Store and then as Director of central administration. She joined the Senior Vice Chancellor’s Office in 2021, overseeing administrative operations and controls, policy coordination, and space strategy. Shauna’s institutional knowledge and bias toward action have been critical to the SVCO and FAS. Her phenomenal space stewardship helped return 116k square feet of space back to the Chancellor, and her many contributions were recognized with a Chancellor Award for Exceptional University Service in 2023. We asked Shauna to share some short and sweet secrets about her rewarding career.

What did you wish you knew when you started your career? 

I wish I knew more about the University. I knew UCSF was a teaching institution, but I didn’t learn about the full enterprise until later in my career.

What is the best advice you've been given?

Follow your passion. Don’t stay in your own world. If you want to learn more, reach out to others. So many people are willing to share. Also inquire about internships; the best way to learn something new is to do it.

What is your best “work-life” advice for your colleagues?

Always believe in yourself. If things aren’t going well or if you are looking for a change, focus on your transferrable skills. Get involved in programs like Administrative Management Professionals (AMP), formerly ABOG. It’s great to learn about different departments and meet people from different areas.


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Jamie Eats

About One Good Thing


You like good news and we want to share more of what’s good with our FAS community. One Good Thing is the “cookie jar” of emails: open it up for a quick, sweet break in your week! See the last issue "Jamie Eats" and the web for all stories.