Financial and administrative services (FAS) at UCSF
One Good Thing - yellow sunray background
Kristina Byrd (she/they)  Change Manager   ‌Program Management Office (PMO)

Kristina Byrd (she/they)

Change Manager 

‌Program Management Office (PMO)

Hidden talents: poetry, languages...and juggling  


April 17, 2024

Kristina's Hidden Talent 

Tell us about your role as a change manager in the Program Management Office (PMO). 

As a change manager, I provide a structured and intentional approach that prepares, equips, and supports individuals through change. Whether that’s a new tool, process, or system, having a people-first approach is key to my role.


What is your hidden talent? 

I have a few! Ranging from simple to more complex; I can juggle, a talent I’ve had since grade school. Which is always easy entertainment! I write poetry. I have a few that are published. I mostly write for other people. I'll be inspired by someone, and I will write based on their energy or maybe an experience they’ve shared with me. I usually gift the poem to them. Lastly, I speak English, Spanish and Mandarin Chinese. 


Oatmeal Raisin (chewy, freshly made)

Kristina Byrd (she/they)  Change Manager   ‌Program Management Office (PMO)


With humble beginnings surrounded by uncertainty, her journey begins 

‌Days filled with quiet and darkness, a recurrence of comfort 

‌Breaking through her own barriers a seemingly impossible feat,

‌Yet a feeling of warmth fills her darkest layer and in this moment of vulnerability she unfastens

‌With newfound freedom, reaching for the warmth for which she desires, darkness dissipates

‌With brightness in her eyes, she reaches up to her muse so as to call out, I am here, I have arrived 

And in that moment, the comfort that once was, a distant memory, for there is freedom found within her colorful display 

The world stops to acknowledge her beauty, unknowing of the chains from which she broke through 

A well-kept secret only adding to her radiance  

For she has bloomed 

-Kristina Byrd 

Raeven's Best Day at Work

About One Good Thing


You like good news and we want to share more of what’s good with our FAS community. One Good Thing is the “cookie jar” of emails: open it up for a quick, sweet break in your week! See the last issue "Rae'ven's Best Day at Work" and the web for all stories.