UCSF Financial and Administrative Services (FAS)

May 2, 2023

What does a llama drink? Find and read more about the llamas coming Wednesday and staff survey ending Friday

Dear FAS Community,


It was wonderful connecting almost 300 of you for the first virtual Coffee with the SVC last month. I'll send out the key takeaways with a recording of the session soon, but today I wanted to share two timely updates: llamas are back tomorrow Wednesday, May 3 (don't forget to register) and staff engagement survey responses are due Friday, May 5.


Read more below.

Thank you!


Erin S. Gore

Senior Vice Chancellor

Finance and Administration



Two Timely Takeaways from Coffee with the SVC

Llama and lemonade

We had fun chatting about our excitement that the LLAMAS ARE BACK! On Wednesday, May 3, 2023 from 11am-1pm, come to Koret Quad to de-stress from work, exams, research, and life in general by cuddling with a llama! Registration and waiver are required. Attendee Ha Van dropped a funny joke in the group chat: “What is a llama's favorite drink? Answer: Llamanade!"

Staff engagement survey

Do you feel like you belong here at UCSF? That’s a core question we try to address through staff engagement initiatives and our FAS diversity, equity, inclusion, accessibility and anti-racism efforts. Through staff engagement survey results and conversations with staff across FAS, we heard that the workplace doesn’t feel the same for everyone. One way we work to fix this is by uncovering policies and procedures under our control that unintentionally exclude people. Another way we can increase belonging is by hearing how work is going for you and learning what we can do to make work better. Please take the survey if you haven’t already (ends Friday, May 5).