Financial and administrative services (FAS) at UCSF
One Good Thing - yellow sunray background

This week we talked with Klint Jaramillo, the inaugural Finance and Administrative Services (FAS) Executive Director of Diversity & Inclusion about his new role and why it matters. Plus, see new resources to help craft a winning Chancellor Award nomination (due Friday, February 16), register for the January 31 Staff Engagement Town Hall and check out the new year Hot Jobs.

Klint with fiancé Steven at the SF GLBT Historical Society Gala

Klint with fiancé Steven at the SF GLBT Historical Society Gala

"To me, this work is about the ability to connect with people to ensure that they feel seen and heard, and that they will have an advocate who will help folks understand the intricacies of being part of a diverse workplace that aims to be inclusive and equitable." 


Klint Jaramillo, MEd, MSW (he/him/él)

Executive Director of Diversity & Inclusion

Financial and Administrative Services (FAS) 

Office of the Senior Vice Chancellor 

January 17, 2024

Getting to Know Klint 


In early January, FAS welcomed Klint Jaramillo into the inaugural role of Executive Director of Diversity & Inclusion leading our broad diversity, equity, inclusion, accessibility, and anti-racism efforts. For the past seven years, Klint has been at UCSF’s Office of Diversity and Outreach (ODO), most recently serving as Executive Director of Resource Centers for Identity & Inclusion. We talked to him about his role, where you can find him on a Saturday afternoon and his love of the arts. 

What are you most excited about in your new role? 

When you come into an inaugural role, one of the most exciting things for me is the endless possibilities for innovation. We get to create, co-build, and expand our community. I've been doing diversity and inclusion work for most of my professional career, and to me, this work is about the ability to connect with people to ensure that they feel seen and heard, and that they will have an advocate who will help folks understand the intricacies of being part of a diverse workplace that aims to be inclusive and equitable. The goal is for everyone to feel valued and respected and for UCSF to be a more inclusive, equitable, anti-ableist and anti-racist institution.‌

How will you spend your time in your first 30 days? 

I look forward to reconnecting with colleagues, making new connections, and meeting leaders who have already been paving the way. I plan to do a listening tour with the different FAS departments so I can better understand needs, goals, and opportunities. I also plan to work with the Senior Vice Chancellor’s Office (my new work family) to assess immediate needs and create a long-term plan.

Why do you think it’s important for organizations to focus on diversity and inclusion? 

As we look at the changing demographics of California, the United States and even from a global perspective, we must pay attention to how we serve the many diverse populations that are coming into the workplace. Are we allowing folks to be their true, authentic selves at work? How do we eliminate barriers so that everyone has the opportunity to be part of the University of California? It is crucial that we start thinking about how we prepare to serve a global society that is diverse in terms of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, ability, linguistic capital, and citizenship status. We must move towards creating an environment that welcomes these communities to be part of the fabric of the institution.


What would we find you doing on a Saturday afternoon? 

I love Broadway and theater — so I am probably spending it listening to a song. I saw my first Broadway show when I was 16 years old. I grew up in New Jersey and I went on a trip to NYC to see Rent. It was my first experience seeing a live show and it has always been ingrained in my heart, especially because I was at an age when I was coming to terms with my sexual identity. Seeing queer representation on stage moved me. It influenced how I became an activist. I just saw the new movie musical version of The Color Purple and it was beautiful — please go see it! My all-time favorite song is “I’m Here” from this musical and you must watch Cynthia Erivo’s version. 


Anything chocolate, especially a rich chocolate cake with a raspberry sauce