Dear Financial and Administrative Services Community,
I’m writing to personally let you know that I have accepted a new role as Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center (CCHMC), effective January 25, 2021. A formal campus announcement will be sent from Chancellor Hawgood this morning with more details, but I wanted you to hear this news from me first.
It’s been the privilege of my career to lead our impressive community. UCSF is an amazing place, and I am humbled to have had the opportunity to serve as your Senior Vice Chancellor over these last several years. I am equally humbled to have been a part of the Finance and Administrative Services team. The work you do day in and day out is an inspiration. My deepest thanks and gratitude for allowing me the opportunity to work for and represent you during my tenure at UCSF.
My last day at UCSF will be Friday, January 22, 2021. We’ll follow up in the coming weeks with more details about interim leadership. As I have said repeatedly, I have full confidence in the FAS leadership team and staff. I know you will be in good hands.
Paul Jenny
Senior Vice Chancellor
Finance and Administration
See Chancellor Hawgood's announcement and the UCSF News story.