Please join us in welcoming Kevin Dugan as the interim Enterprise Emergency Management Director. In this role, Kevin will cover the entire UCSF enterprise including the main campus, Health, BCH Oakland, and Fresno. Kevin will report to the office of the Chief Operating Officer of UCSF Health (Sheila Antrum) and to the Chief of Police (Mike Denson).
We thank the former director, Jenny Novelli, whose contributions were invaluable during the COVID pandemic.
Kevin’s additional duties include responsibility for maintaining and coordinating all elements of the University’s emergency management system including all hazards planning (technological, human-caused, biological and natural disasters) preparedness, response, recovery and mitigation among other programs.
He will play a key role in the UCSF Emergency Management and Resilience Committee (EMRC), chaired by Anagha Dandekar Clifford, Campus Counsel Chief Adviser Resiliency Strategy. The EMRC oversees emergency management and resiliency efforts across the UCSF enterprise, providing guidance on the preparation, development, implementation, evaluation, and maintenance of the UCSF Emergency Management program. The EMRC recently completed a survey of the enterprise emergency management landscape. The number one area of opportunity was seamless coordination and communication in preparing and responding to emergencies across UCSF. Kevin will play a key role in leading us in this work to create an enterprise-wide approach.
The EMRC, with support from the UCSF Program Management Office (PMO), is working to map all emergency management processes with the goal of a long-term organizational structure to increase the coordination between the emergency management work across the UCSF enterprise.
We are grateful to Kevin for his leadership in this important work.
Sheila Antrum
Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer
UCSF Health
Erin S. Gore
Senior Vice Chancellor
Finance and Administration
Kevin Dugan
UCSF Health Director of Emergency Management and Interim Enterprise Emergency Management Director