Sharing the new FAS Executive Report

Dear Financial and Administrative Services (FAS) Community,
I’m pleased to share the first FAS Quarterly Executive Report, a new communication I presented to the Chancellor’s Executive Team (CET) earlier this month. The report is designed to highlight our impact to campus and give updates on our True North progress and key initiatives. It was created in direct response to requests from the Chancellor and my CET peers about FAS information that touch their areas, and my desire to do a better job letting campus leaders know how we are helping support UCSF’s mission. The response was overwhelmingly positive, and they asked us to distribute this widely to keep our campus partners informed as well. I hope you feel great pride, as I do, in seeing how we are making a difference.
More about the report
We’ll be publishing the report on a quarterly basis, and will share it out with you. We heard your feedback that you want more information about other departments, and this report is another way you can learn more about the great work happening within FAS.
Below is a little more background about the sections featured in the report:

  • True North Progress - quick glance of progress with details in the appendix.
  • FAS Spotlight - a deep dive into a department or initiative.
  • How FAS Helps - one data point from each department that shows our impact to campus.
  • Admin Outlook - key broad change efforts in our purview that affect other work areas.
  • Lean Success Story - a FAS Lean improvement story tied to one of our True North pillars or strategic priorities.

Finally, I want to thank the FAS Executive Team (FET) and the FAS Internal Communications Group (an internal group of communication leads from each FAS department) for their collective efforts pulling this report together.
Paul Jenny
Senior Vice Chancellor
Finance and Administration