UCSF’s New Real Estate Properties

Dear Members of the UCSF Community,

I am pleased to share the news that UCSF has received two new real estate properties at 2130 Post Street and at 2 North Point Street in San Francisco.

The property at 2130 Post Street will provide 71 units of housing at below-market rental rates for faculty when the building is ready for occupancy in the summer of 2020, supporting our goal to provide faculty more affordable housing in San Francisco.

The North Point property will become the new administrative offices of University Development and Alumni Relations (UDAR) and Human Resources (HR), allowing for campus and UCSF Health HR staff to be located in the same building.

Importantly, UDAR’s move to the North Point property, instead of the previously planned occupation of the building now under construction at Block 33 at Mission Bay, will allow us to meet another goal to free up space for our thriving clinical and academic departments to expand at Mission Bay.

Over the next several months Finance and Administration leadership will work with impacted faculty and staff, both those moving to North Point Street and those expanding into Block 33 at Mission Bay, to ensure these moves will meet their needs.

In early 2020, Housing Services will communicate rental rates and lease information for 2130 Post Street. You can read more about the two new properties here.


Paul Jenny
Senior Vice Chancellor
Finance and Administration