FAS DEIA-AR Steering Committee

FAS DEIA-AR Steering Committee Members


Ailene Estalilla, Chair, 

Gina Abrams, Human Resources 

Eric Banares, Police 

Adrienne Chambers, Campus Life Services 

Jenn Chan, Program Management Office 

Becky Daro, SVC Office 

Laura Dillon, Human Resources 

Armanda Edwards-Newman, Information Technology Services 

Kira Kwan, Audit & Advisory Services 

Tim McNeil, Campus Life Services 

Kimberly Romero, Information Technology Services  

Elicia Rozic, Staff to the Committee, Campus Life Services

Lian Sussmann, Finance 

Niki Thach, Audit 

Sean Williams, Finance 


Membership to the FAS DEIA/AR Steering Committee was appointed by the Office of the Senior Vice Chancellor with recommendations from each of the FET.   This steering committee represents all employees within FAS and is charged with: 

  1. Recommend DEIA/AR goals and tactics to the FET 
  2. Monitor and report progress on goals and tactics from a department level and FAS level 
  3. Facilitate communication across all FAS team members
  4. Plan DEIA/AR events and programs for FAS
  5. Be advocates in FAS DEIA/AR